17 Juli 2013

How to Stop Smoking?

Smoking is one of those unhealthy habits that can land you in trouble. It is considered as one of the most prominent causes of preventable deaths and each year, around five million people die across the globe, due to smoking. Another shocking fact about smoking cigarettes is that each cigarette contains around 4000 chemicals that include carcinogens too. Most of the smokers are aware of these dangerous facts about smoking, but, never try to get rid of this practice. Only a small percentage tries to quit smoking and among them, very few succeed. So, quitting this habit is not an easy task. First of all, you must decide to try stop smoking and stick to the decision, till you are completely out of this habit. This article will provide you with some tips to quit smoking.

Guidelines for Stopping Smoking

In order to think of quitting, you must know more about the smoking effects on your health, on those live with you and lastly on the environment. Apart from the comparatively minor problems, like, bad breath and stained teeth, a smoker is also prone to serious ones like, lung cancer, COPD, etc. Another smoking effect is second hand smoke or passive smoking, that can cause health problem in those living with a smoker. Another problem, that is usually overlooked is the pollution caused by smoking. Apart from causing air pollution due to the smoke, the filters made of thin plastic fibers (not cotton) are dumped as trash and these filters take around two to eight years for decomposition. You must also have a basic understanding about what happens when you stop smoking. The following tips on how to stop smoking cigarettes and weed, may prove beneficial for those who are interested in quitting this habit.

  1. Once you decide to try quitting smoking, make a plan. You may stop this habit gradually, by reducing the frequency of smoking or completely stop the habit from a particular day. It is always better to stop smoking completely.
  2. Once you start implementing this plan, stick to it and refrain from smoking. This can be the most difficult part of this task, as most of the stop smoking resolutions fail within a few hours or days.
  3. During the initial stages, you may constantly have the urge to smoke. You can satisfy this urge by munching on healthy fruits and vegetables.
  4. You may also have some herbal tea, so as to control these cravings. It is said that skipping meals is not advisable during such times and you must include more low calorie foods in your diet.
  5. One of the useful tips on how to stop smoking is to start some exercise program. Meditation and yoga are also highly recommended for those trying to accomplish this task.
  6. If you have the habit of taking breaks and smoke during working hours, refrain from this habit. Either you stop taking such breaks or use that time for some other engagement, like, walking around the office.
  7. Some people may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms that can range from mild to severe. While mild symptoms may subside soon, severe ones need the guidance and (sometimes) treatment.
  8. You may also resort to stop smoking aids or medication, as per the advice of your doctor, but, make sure not to get addicted to such things.
  9. One of the commonly conveyed tips on how to stop smoking weed is frequent showers to control the cravings. Sometimes, the person may require a rehab program to part with this habit.
  10. There are various types of therapies to stop smoking. These include water therapy, psychological therapy, etc. Self hypnosis is also very popular as a method to stop smoking.

The above said tips on how to stop smoking can only guide you in this task. Only the sincere efforts and determination on your part can make you successful in quitting smoking. Make sure that once you get successful in quitting this habit, remain like that forever.


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