Facts about Fungi
The characteristics of fungi are discussed below. Different aspects of their life cycle can be understood through the fungi facts mentioned below.
Fungi were earlier placed in Plant Kingdom, due to the morphological similarities that they share with plants. It was after phylogenetic analysis carried out by means of molecular methods, that a separate group called fungi was formed.
Fungi don't possess chlorophyll and therefore, obtain nourishment from hosts by acting as parasites. Many fungi species are saprophytes and they obtain food from dead organisms.
Fungi are both microscopic and macroscopic in form. Most common structural forms of microscopic fungi are the hyphae. Diameter of the hyphae ranges from 2 - 10 micrometer, while their length can extend up to few centimeters. The structure formed as a result of inter-weaving of hyphae is known as mycelium.
Macroscopic fungi are easily visible to naked eyes. Common forms of these fungi are molds and mushrooms.
Pheromones, the chemicals produced by fungi, play and important role in sexual reproduction. The male and female communicate with each other by means of pheromones.
In most fungi, asexual reproduction takes place by means of vegetative spores known as conidia. Mycelial fragmentation is also a form of asexual reproduction.
Fungi found in low nitrogen environment exhibit adaptations like sticky knobs and nooses. These adaptations help the fungi in trapping small animals like nematodes. The small animals are then degraded to obtain food/nutrients from them.
Some types of fungi live in symbiotic relationships with other living beings. For example, the fungus, lichens and green algae (an autotrophic organism) live together symbiotically.
The fungi are known to cause various diseases in plants, animals and human beings. Athlete's foot and ringworm are common problems caused by fungi in human beings. The plant diseases caused by fungi include stem rots, leaf rots, smuts, rusts, etc.
Interesting Fungi Facts
Here are some fun facts about fungi. The information focuses on unusual facts about these organisms.
- We are aware of the fact that puffball fungi is used in medicines. However, it is interesting to known that these organisms had religious importance in the culture of North American Indians. A tribe known as Blackfoot believed that puffballs were fallen stars and that they fell to earth during a supernatural event.
- Red squirrels gather and store dried fungi in trees and eat them in the winter season. The quantity of such dried fungi gathered by these squirrel is huge
- There are more than 60 species of fungi which exhibit the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Light is emitted from the bodies of such fungi.
- A newly discovered fossil of fungi is said to be millions of years old. Fossils found earlier were at the most 10,000 years old. This mushroom was therefore placed in a separate genus called Coprinites.
- If provided with right conditions, some mushrooms can stay dormant for centuries.
- The use of mushrooms in food and medicines is well-known. However, these fungi are also used in the absorption and digestion of industrial waste, pesticides and oils.
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